
Resources and Tools

Tree  Identification and Dendrology 

  • Tree Identification Web Resources 

tree idWeb based tree ID pages can be accessed by clicking on this link or the  image..

  • Tree ID Smart phone apps 

Leafsnap App - Trees in the Northeastern United States and Canada;  leafsnap.com
Virginia Tech Tree ID phone App - Woody Plants in North America  ;  id576191197, details
Audubon Trees (North American Trees);  audubon-treesArbor Day Tree ID (North American Trees);  id420777783
What Tree Is That? App (Arbor Day Foundation, US);  whattree
Canadian Tree Tours - Phone app;  www.canadiantreetours.org
Shade-Trees.org - The Finest Shade Trees ;  Shade-Trees.org - The Finest Shade Trees at the Best Prices

Urban Forestry Links in Canada

The Canadian Urban Forest Network http://www.cufn.ca/
Tree Canada  https://treecanada.ca/en/
Ontario Urban Forest Council http://www.oufc.org/
ISA Ontario http://www.isaontario.com/
Leaf http://www.yourleaf.org/
Urban Forest Stewardship Network http://ufsn.ca/

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